
Look Around...Strike a Pose!

2:11 p.m.

Hola!!! Como lo prometido es deuda, los dejo con la sesion que tuve hace una semana aprox.  Era netamente ayudar a un amigo para una tarea de su facu, pero veran, habia un estudio alquilado por 3 horas y hartas ganas de jugar con la camara asi que no pude resistirme :D, les muestro mis favoritas!

Hey you! Like i promised before, here are the photos of the shoot i had about a week ago.  You see, it was merely an assignment for a friend but we had the studio rented for 3 hours, and the urge to play with the camera was bigger than me so i couldn't resist :D, let me show you my favorite ones

Y mi mensaje personal a la comunidad alla afuera :)

My personal message for all of you :) 

Que opinan? Denme feedback :D Yo la verdad soy feliz frente a una camara, me cuesta admitirlo pero ya esta! lo hice.  No soy necesariamente la mas fotogenica pero me encanta hacer caras y muecas, y creo que todo esta en que uno se divierta no? Me encanto poder compartir esto con dos de mis mejores amigas, asi que la diversion fue multiplicada por 3, las quiro Patty y Sus!
Las manguitas las tenia hace uuuf pero no las habia usado mucho, ahora las amo mas que ayer asi que me veran seguido con eso

Mañana es feriado (oh si!) aunque ultimamente para mi todos los dias es vacaciones :)
Disfruten su dia al maximo!

What do you think? Give me some feedback :D i am truly happy in front of a camera, it's hard to admit it but i did it! I am not necessarily the most photogenic girl but i do love to make faces and have fun and i think that is what's important, to have a good time right? I love that i could share this with 2 of my best friends so the fun was x 3! Love u Patty and Sus!!
The sleeves were bought in Canada a couple years ago and i didn't really wear them, but now that will change for sure

Tomorrow is a holiday here in Peru so i couldn't be happier (even tho it's been holidays for me since a while jaja) Well enjoy the rest of the day!!!

Polo/shirt: El Hueco
Aretes/earrings: Hueco en Miraflores
Jeans: Machine
Manguitas/sleeves: Canada
Zapatillas/snickers: All Star

Un beso!!

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