Just the way you are!!!

7:21 p.m.

Un recordatorio para mi y para los que quieran tomarlo: por algo somos asi, nadie tiene porque cambiarnos y tratar de modificar nuestra forma de pensar o de ser!!
Cada uno es increible en su propia forma y mientras no le hagas daño a otros puedes ser como quieras :D
Note to self and to anyone that wants it too: there's a reason why we are this way, no one has the right to change us or make us behave different!!
Each and every single one of us is amazing in our own way and as long as we don't hurt anyone we are more than free to be who we want! :D

Asi que asi me quedo: muecuda, juguetona, infantil, sonriente, triste, pensativa, acrobatica, chinche y escandalosa (above all jaja) A los que no les gusta, que pena :)
Siempre van a encontrar a alguien en el camino que los critique o los trate de cambiar, pero esta en nosotros decidir si tomamos su consejo (o critica) y lo usamos o si simplemente seguimos adelante, les recomiendo lo mismo.
La autoaceptacion es una de las mejores cosas que me estan pasando ahora :D
Y ustedes, alguna vez han pensando que deberian de cambiar en algo o alguien ha querido cambiarlos? me cuentan

So this is what you get from me: playful, childish, happy, sad, acrobatic, sometimes a pain in the ass and above all LOUD!!! If you don't like it, sorry :D what you see is what you get
You are always going to find someone with criticism or that will try to change you but is in you to say stop or to take the advice, the point here is to always move on and not getting stuck in the little things
Selflove is one of the best things happening to me right now :D
And you? Have you find someone trying to change you? Do you think you need a radical change? Let me know

Polo/shirt: MNG
jeans: 15 50
Zapatillas/sneakers: No brand
Happy Friday!!!!

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