Happily Ever After

9:48 p.m.

"From Enchantments to Down" es una muestra del fotografo frances Thomas Czarnecki, nos muestra el "final feliz" de esas historias segun su punto de vista

Me parecio muy crecido por decirlo asi, no como cuando eramos chicas y era "y vivieron felices para siempre" y creiamos que todo era rosado y lindo y que nos iban a venir a rescatar en caballo blanco!
Obvio me parecio locaza su perspectiva, sobre todo los finales que le da a todas nuestras idolas de la infancia

Que opinan? Cual fue el mas tragico para ustedes?

Thomas Czarnecki's "From Enchantments to Down" is a bizarro work of his where he represent what happened after the "happy ending" of this stories from his point of view

It was a really grown up point of view for me, since when we were little all we ever wanted was the "and they lived happily ever after" and yeah i think that guys is crazy jaja, specially for all the endings all of our childhood heroins get

What do you think? Which one was the most tragic one for you?

Un besin

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