Inauguracion CHEVIGNON en el Jockey Plaza
12:53 p.m.
Ayer se vino la muy esperada inauguracion de la tienda CHEVIGNON, nos dieron un tour por la tienda y nos explicaron su historia. Todo me parecio hermoso, la calidad es insuperable y esta tienda tiene algo que muchas carecen: Humanidad.
A que quiero ir con eso? Chevignon es una marca con la que nos podemos identificar, una marca con historia, hecha por personas reales para personas reales. Sus prendas son atemporales, es algo que vamos a poder seguir usando asi pase la "moda" No es solo una marca de jeans, tambien tiene zapatos (de cuero italiano), camisas, blusas, chompas, blazers, entre otro. Todo de la mas alta calidad y con un diseño unico, texturas y materiales de primera calidad.
Tienen todos los tipos de cortes y modelos de jean, para todos los gustos y hay unos jeathers que estan como para morir! Hay jeggins hermosas!!!! Les recomiendo darse una vuelta por la tienda (esta en el Jockey, pasando Zara camino a Ripley) y me dicen si les gusta!!!! Ahorita cuelgo las fotos del desfile y mi look :D
Si quieren saber mas de la marca visiten su pagina web en
Ah y no se olviden de darle like al fan page del blog aqui :D gracias!!!
Yesterday was the opening of the first CHEVIGNON store here in Lima, they did a tour around for us and explain the story behind the brand. It was all so pretty, the quality is over the top and this store has something a lot don't have: Humanity
What do i mean with this? i mean Chevignon is a brand that we can identify with, a brand made by history, to real people from real people. The clothes are modern and classec, something you can still wear when that trend is out. And it's not only jeans, they also have shirts, shoes (italian delicious leather ones), wallets and jackets to name a few. All the textures and material are the best quality you could possibly find!!! I strongly reccomend to check the store if you have it in your country or the web page, to see what they can offer
Let me know what you think!
Yesterday was the opening of the first CHEVIGNON store here in Lima, they did a tour around for us and explain the story behind the brand. It was all so pretty, the quality is over the top and this store has something a lot don't have: Humanity
What do i mean with this? i mean Chevignon is a brand that we can identify with, a brand made by history, to real people from real people. The clothes are modern and classec, something you can still wear when that trend is out. And it's not only jeans, they also have shirts, shoes (italian delicious leather ones), wallets and jackets to name a few. All the textures and material are the best quality you could possibly find!!! I strongly reccomend to check the store if you have it in your country or the web page, to see what they can offer
Let me know what you think!
2 words of wisdom
Qué lindo Valin, ya quiero ver las demás fotos que sacaste :O
Sil!!! Ya salen ya salen :D
BorrarGracias por comentar!!!